The Froxfield stream dipping event organised by ARK on Saturday 18th May 2019 was a great success. It was lovely to see a good turn out of children as well as adults who all enjoyed learning about the creatures found in our little chalk stream and their part in the eco system.
It was very pleasing that 5 ‘indicator species’ of invertebrates were found which means the stream is healthy and thriving after the recent work done in January and February by ARK volunteers and villagers to improve the flow and quality of the water.
The new planting of 1700 marginal plants that was completed in March to create the new stream bank is really starting to grow; the flag iris especially are shooting up and will look wonderful when they flower.
It is hoped that the remaining work to create the nature reserve with the boardwalk and dipping pond will soon be taking place as funding has been secured from a Pocket Parks grant and also a Lottery grant.